A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones!

 A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones. 

⏤ Proverbs 17:22 

God wants us to be merry! To be joyful in the Lord! We need to be full of love and live in Spirit! Today so many live sadly, they are hateful, negative, and miserable. It is not healthy. Many today let things of this world bring them down. They let things of this government and material world control them to the point of hate, negativity, and despair. This is not what God wanted for us! We need to be aware of our emotions and not let things of this world drag us down into the dirty, grimy, negative things of this world. God created us to have merry hearts, being joyful in Him. We are on a journey in this world, our life eternal in Heaven begins here, but we are called, called to follow Jesus, God gave Him to us, we are called to follow Him, to imitate and reflect Him in all we do. We are called to be love, the same love our Father has for us, we need to show and have for all our brothers and sisters, all, enemies, co-workers, neighbors, all people alike. It is often hard and a challenge, but with the help and grace from God, we can do it. We can be more like Jesus with some effort. A merry heart is the medicine we all need to get us through all, we cannot live with a broken spirit! We need to live in Spirit, with Christ in us! Being positive, loving, and joyful in Him! This is the secret, the miracle, the blessing for life eternal in Heaven with Jesus! 
