During His time on earth, Jesus met every kind of human need! Remember the wonders He has done, His miracles, and the judgments He pronounced!


Look to the Lord and his strength seek his face always. Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles, and the judgments he pronounced,

~1 Chronicles 16:11-12

When the Lord saw her, He had compassion on her, and said unto her, Weep not.

 ~ Luke 7:13

Remember the wonders Jesus has done, His miracles, and the judgments he pronounced! It is so true. Today the Mornings with God App spoke a lot about all the miracles of Jesus. This blog talks about the miracles of God, I love to share and show all His miracles! 

The Mornings With God App today said, "During His time on earth, Jesus met every kind of human need. A Roman soldier trusted Him to heal his servant without even visiting the house. A widow, mourning the loss of her son, didn’t seem to know Jesus beforehand, and their meeting appeared to be by chance. But we know it wasn’t an accident on Jesus’ part. He knew of the woman’s sorrow even from a distance, and His heart went out to her because she was a widow and her son was her only child. Jesus directed His path to meet the funeral procession before it reached the burial site. Instead of a funeral, there was a joyful celebration as He restored her son to life. This is how Christ still works today. Even when we don’t specifically ask for His comfort, He meets us in our pain with His blessing. He hasn’t left the earth—He is still here with us."

Jesus performs miracles every single day! We need to put all our trust in Him! We need to follow Him, reflect Him, and imitate Him! He will take care of everyone of our needs! He always has as can be seen from above and in the Bible. He knows before we do, what we need! Trust in Him! Have faith! Believe in miracles! 
