I'm going to walk with Jesus!


Walk With Jesus by  Consumed By Fire on GodTube

I'm going to walk with Jesus too! I love this song! One of the best in recent years and how I feel! I love all the Christian music they play on radio stations like KLove, WayFM, and Christian Radio. They play the best music and keep you focused on Jesus and how to live your best life in Christ! Today we see so many haters. So many deranged and full of hate. They become selfish, greedy, and corrupted by things of this world. They join bandwagons or group think of hate and if you do not agree, they cancel you. Today we see so much of this hate, cancel culture, hypocrisy, wokeism, and elitism from the liberal left. They just hate and hate, yet act like their hate is acceptable because they do not like one person, a president, a group of people or patriots, they do not like conservatives or Christians or anyone who says they follow Jesus! I however won't fall into that group think of hate. I am walking with Jesus, trying to love like Him. To follow, reflect, and imitate Him! He is the light, the truth, and the way. He is not hate, He teaches us that love always wins over hate and we need to be about love and goodness. We are called to follow Him, not sin, not make excuses, not hate, not join leftist haters who in their eyes think their Marxist socialist hate is acceptable. We all have a choice, we can follow and walk with Jesus, or be haters and indifferent, making excuses why some hate is okay if it is directed toward certain people. Jesus does not want us to hate anyone. We are called to love all! Know that if you are hated, cancelled, persecuted, dismissed by this group think haters, Jesus promises you life eternal with Him, He was also unlawfully killed, murdered by haters for no reason at all. My choice is to walk with Jesus! 
