Jesus is for us, the sinners! He is for all who are sick and need healing and miracles!


Jesus went out along the sea.
All the crowd came to him and he taught them.
As he passed by, he saw Levi, son of Alphaeus,
sitting at the customs post.
Jesus said to him, “Follow me.”
And he got up and followed Jesus.
While he was at table in his house,
many tax collectors and sinners sat with Jesus and his disciples;
for there were many who followed him.
Some scribes who were Pharisees saw that Jesus was eating with sinners
and tax collectors and said to his disciples,
“Why does he eat with tax collectors and sinners?”
Jesus heard this and said to them,
“Those who are well do not need a physician, but the sick do.
I did not come to call the righteous but sinners.”

~Mark 2:13-17

Jesus is for us the sinners! He is for all who are sick and need healing and miracles! Jesus is for all of us, all of us are sinners, He can heal us, He can perform miracles in our lives and turn things around for us. He can answer all of our questions. He loves us and just wants us to trust Him, to have faith in Him! We know some priests and Pharisees,  they are the same as in Jesus time, we see one priest at the gym, he ignores us, avoids us, wants nothing to do with us, our old priest, so I too like Jesus prefer to be with sinners rather than the hypocritical priests. Jesus is right, some act so righteous and upright, so holy, but they can be the worst, worse than sinners. So I can understand what Jesus would prefer to spend time with sinners! Jesus, helps us sinners, to change our ways, to be better people, to help us realize we need to follow Him!  We need to follow, reflect, and imitate Him! If Jesus is for us who can be against us? 
