
Showing posts with the label Pharisees

Many teach God’s truths, but they don't live them. We need to love all anyway!

More Miracles from Jesus, Jesus even said, "Is it lawful to do good on the sabbath rather than to do evil, to save life rather than to destroy it?"

Jesus is for us, the sinners! He is for all who are sick and need healing and miracles!

Another Miracle from Jesus, But the Scribed and Pharisees Don't Like His Good Deeds on the Sabbath!

God First! We Were Created in His Image! We are God's!

Don't Just Appear Righteous Like the Priests, Clergy, and Pharisees, But Be Righteous and Holy, Upright in our Lord, an Example Like Jesus!

Call No One on Earth your Father, We Only Have One Father in Heaven! Be Careful of Hypocrites and Those Who do Not Practice What They Preach!