What a friend we have in Jesus!


What A Friend We Have In Jesus by Celtic Worship, ft. Steph Macleod on GodTube

What a friend we have in Jesus! I love this old song. I was reminded of it today. It is so so true. Jesus is our friend. Even when our friends, family, colleagues, and loved ones, and others abandon us, dismiss us, have nothing more to do with us, Jesus is there for us. We live in an age of cancel culture. Many today do not like you talking about God, the Bible, or Jesus. If you do you are cancelled often times. Or if you do not have the same political view or mindset of some, you are not accepted or cancelled. We see it all the time today. At work, with family, friends, many you meet, if you do not agree with the more prevalent view of hate and liberal thinking, you are cancelled. But, not with Jesus! We just need to know that we need to stand up for our principles. To live with God, be upright, holy, ethical, and have character like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. used to speak about. Character is what matters. Knowing if some cancel you or abandon you, Jesus never will, we always have a friend in Him! What a friend we have in Jesus! We always have Jesus! 
