Many teach God’s truths, but they don't live them. We need to love all anyway!


Woe unto you, Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites. 

~Matthew 23:14

Today we see a lot of hypocrisy in the country and world. Especially from the clergy, elected, and people who are supposed to represent Christ and the powers that be. The ones who are supposed to be the most holy among us, act less than the people they preach to.  Yes, Christ’s rebuke of the Pharisees was harsh. He did not like hypocrites. some priests and clergy are like that today, even some we know, they ignore, avoid, dismiss, and mistreat you, like what was spoken about in the mass this week. We are still called to love them anyway. Pray for them it says. That is what I do. I pray for all priests and clergy that they can be more like Jesus. 

The Mornings With God App today said, "We usually see the gentle side of Christ’s character and teaching. He is compassionate toward the suffering and sorrowful. He is so gentle that He won’t break a bruised reed or extinguish a smoldering wick. But here, we see Him in a stern and severe light. He speaks to the Pharisees with sharp denunciation. They taught God’s truths, but they didn’t live them. They made a great show of piety, but it was only for the sake of public appearance. Christ’s rebuke of the Pharisees was harsh. But these same lips had also spoken the Beatitudes and invited the weary and burdened to come to Him. Christ is both holy and loving. He welcomes those who come to Him with repentance, but He condemns hypocrisy. In the last verses of this chapter, we see both sides. He rebukes Jerusalem for killing the prophets and rejecting God’s messengers, but then He speaks of His desire to gather the people in love, though they refused."

Like it says above, Jesus Christ is both holy and loving. He welcomes those who come to Him with repentance, but He condemns hypocrisy. I am sure Jesus would not like what He sees today in our world. There is still a lot of the same hypocrisy from the priests, clergy and governments. He spoke about back then 2000 years ago. I still see this today, I always try to be loving to all people. However, many do not like happy loving people, they reject you and cancel you. Even from my own family, I send texts of happy birthday to some, they cannot even bother to write back and say thank you. It is sad times we live in. Many today do not like love or happiness brought to them, now we just say to our old priest, peace be with you brother. He cannot be bothered with us when we see him at the gym. I write to people, call them, show interest, they just ignore you, the cancel culture is alive and well, sad to see, but again, we are reminded and like in the Beatitudes, love them anyway! Yes there is hate and hypocrisy and a lot of unhappy people, love them anyway, don't stop being loving! Many teach God’s truths, but they don't live them. We need to love them anyway! 
