God made us human, in His image, and we need to be about love!


How Soon is Now? by The Smiths on GodTube

God made us human to be loved! I have always loved this song and message! I heard it at the gym the other day. I haven't heard it in many years. I always loved this group, The Smiths. They were a favorite in the 1980's. So many great songs! Thank you for this great song! Some really good messages in their lyrics. Today in looking back, many songs in the past and today include good messages of love and God. God gave us Jesus, He is love!  We are called to follow, reflect, and imitate Him! This song  is a good reminder about our humanness and how we all need love. God made us this way! God loves us so much! Yes, we are human and we all need to be loved! https://themiraclesofgod.blogspot.com/
