

Just Like Heaven by the Cure on GodTube

Heaven! Do you want to go to Heaven? Do you want to feel how it is to be just like Heaven? I know I want to go to Heaven. My home is not here on this Earth School. I am going to be with my Father in Heaven some day God willing, a much better place! God gave us Heaven when we follow Jesus, when we follow, imitate, and reflect Him. Heaven is real, life eternal with the Lord! We often see glimpses of Heaven here on Earth, at the beach, on a walk around a lake, with a true love and soulmate, with an upbringing by holy parents who love us. Today we live in a crazy and sin-filled world. So many today are so greedy, selfish, and so self-serving. It is sad to see all the sin, the corruption, fraud, hate, and negativity in our world. So many are empty vessels without God or Jesus. They are unhappy and all they can do is be hateful, deranged, or negative. We need to live our lives following God's Commandments, to follow Jesus, to reflect and imitate Him! We are promised life eternal in Heaven when we do, all we need to do is become like children and follow Him! I have always loved this song from so many years ago, it makes you happy to listen to it. The Cure was a real cure for happiness and pep! They did a great job and in many ways their own disciples for Christ. God blessed us all, they were talented, and God gives all of us talents, We are called to all be like disciples for Christ, to help others think about Heaven and life eternal, in how we should behave on this Earth School journey and where we are ultimately going in this world! The gift of God is like eternal in Heaven with Jesus Christ! Do you want to go to Heaven? https://themiraclesofgod.blogspot.com/
