Try by Pink on GodTube
I hadn't heard this song in a long time, but always liked it. It is a good reminder in life, we always need to try. We need to persevere and never give up, but most importantly, we always need to try. Today we see so many never even try, they fall into apathy and think they are incapable of doing for themselves. Sometimes I think in part our government has done this to people, making them feel like they cannot do anything on their own, they need help or assistance with everything, instead of doing things for themselves to feel independent and capable as human beings. A lot of times I have seen as a teacher how this only enables people. When I was a teacher in Mexico City, I saw how in schools there, public and even private parents had to buy the school books for their children, they appreciated and valued education and tried very hard to succeed, because they had to pay for those books and school. While in the USA, everything is given to students on a silver platter of sorts, they are given free books, paper, pencils, a laptop, everything for free without even having to try, they learn to become apathetic and unappreciative of all of this, they don't try and become privileged as if it is their right. Giving all for free without working for it is not healthy. People need to try. You need to try with anything in life. Sometimes we fail or do not succeed as we had hoped, but trying and failure, build character and make us better people. We have to get up and try! God wants us to try, to persevere and never give up! When was a math teacher I always had a poster on my wall that said: The way to solve any problem is the Try-angle!
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