
Showing posts with the label 10 Commandments

When we Take Christ into Our Hearts, We Eat the Meat, which Abideth unto Eternal Life!

Sin, Lawfare, and Hate are the Big Problems in the World Today, Because People do Not Have Jesus and the Holy Spirit in Them!

History in the Bible Shows Us What Happened! It is All About Faith! The Gentiles Accepted and Became Instruments for God!

God Loves Us So Much!

God Listens to Us! He Wants Us to Obey Him, Not Sin, and Follow His Son Jesus!

We are to Reflect Jesus in All We Say, Do, and Are!

God Gave Us Jesus for Our Sins as Foretold in Isaiah Hundreds of Year Prior to His Birth! Isaiah Tells it All!

Believe in Jesus: Do Not Work for Food that Perishes but for the Food that Endures for Eternal Life!