
Showing posts with the label Citizen of Heaven

If then you were raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is.” Becoming a Christian, then, makes us a citizen of heaven. We live yet in this world, but our home is above, where Christ is!.

We Live in a World of Sin, But God is Calling Us, Guiding Us, Leading Us--His Strength and Wisdom, His Will Be Done, is All We Need!

Living in the Spirit of Christ While on This Earth School, Knowing My Citizenship is in Heaven with Him! Blessed when Living Spiritually Minded!

Blessed When we Live on Both the Vertical and Horizontal Planes Recognizing God Who Created All Souls!

Walking with the Wise, Staying Away from Fools and Haters!

Focused on My Citizenship in Heaven with Jesus, Not of This World!

My Father Was So Good to Me Today! Feeling So Blessed!

Not Loving Things of This World! Have My Eyes and Mind Set on Heaven to Spend Eternity with Jesus!

My Number One Goal in Life is to Get into Heaven! Focusing on Divine Things, Not Things of this World! There is No Pay to Play with God!