
Showing posts with the label Eternity

Blessed to Be Saved by His Holy Spirit-Saved By His Grace, Focused on Spending Eternity in Heaven with Jesus!

Blessed Knowing I am Working Toward Spending Eternity in Heaven with God! We Cannot Live Without God in Our Lives!

What Can one Complain About? Blessed to Have God, My Spouse, Family, and This Beach in My Life!

Beach Please! It Does it for Me Each Day! So so Blessed!

Blessed that I am Setting My Heart Upon Heaven, Nothing Below!

The Key to Joy: Trusting Completely in God for the Salvation of My Soul!

Blessed Knowing that the Joys of Heaven will Surely Compensate for the Sorrows of Earth!

Blessed By My King God as I Seek His Perfection Knowing I am a Citizen of Heaven and Can Spend Eternity with Jesus!