
Showing posts with the label Follow

Living in the Light, Exposing Darkness, Being Obedient in the Lord, Shining for Christ!

Sin, Lawfare, and Hate are the Big Problems in the World Today, Because People do Not Have Jesus and the Holy Spirit in Them!

Remain in God's Word, Stop Sinning, Obey God, Follow Jesus, He is the Only Way to Heaven! What a Blessing!

History in the Bible Shows Us What Happened! It is All About Faith! The Gentiles Accepted and Became Instruments for God!

Trusting What Jesus Says, Following Him! He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life!

God Listens to Us! He Wants Us to Obey Him, Not Sin, and Follow His Son Jesus!

A Promise from God When We Follow Jesus Christ!

Got Christ? Better a Little with the Fear of the Lord than Great Wealth with Turmoil!