Living in the Light, Exposing Darkness, Being Obedient in the Lord, Shining for Christ!


Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.  It is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. But everything exposed by the light becomes visible—and everything that is illuminated becomes a light. This is why it is said:

“Wake up, sleeper,

    rise from the dead,

    and Christ will shine on you.”

~Ephesians 5:11-14

As people of goodwill we need to dispel darkness and walk in the light of the Lord. Today we see so much evil and wickedness, so many have become slaves for Satan doing a lot of selfish, greedy, aggressive, hateful, corrupt, and fraudulent things. We see so many living in darkness, doing bad things, hurting others, themselves, and society as a whole. We see a lot of darkness and evil from our elected, governments, and powers that be. Doing so much in darkness, promoting chaos, and mediocrity, it really is an age of trying times where there is so much lawfare, no law and order, and complete chaos and lawlessness. All we can do is expose it, know it is there, and stay away, focus on Jesus, being a light and reflect Jesus in all we do, we need to be careful as the devil is always lurking looking to steal souls and bring more to his side to be his slaves. We need to be careful, pray, turn all to God, and just put all our trust in the Lord. That is all we can do! Today many find it easier to have vices, drink, do drugs, gamble, sex, etc, to escape. They live without God or Jesus and use vices to make them feel better. Many today live with many insecurities, have to put on airs, need cars like a Porsche, Audi,  or Mercedes to make them secure with themselves as if cars or titles make a person. All that really matters is having Jesus in our hearts and following Him. Jesus is what makes us! Not things of this material, carnal, flesh world.  Many people live in this world for the death of this world, instead, we need to live in Christ to know that we can have eternal life in Heaven with Jesus, and that is what matters!  Be fruitful in the Lord! 
