Your Good Seeds Are Producing Good Fruit Every Single Day Here on Earth!


We will never produce any fruit without the dirt. We need the dirt, even all our seeds we want to plant and grow, we need the dirt, we need the dark and heavy soil, the problems, the drought, the flooding, the rocks, the trouble, but with dirt and God on our side, we can eventually produce good fruit. When we are up against opposition, when people block you, ignore you, talk bad about you, or make it so hard to grow and shine, when you have big challenges it is because God has a great destiny for you, it is a way to discover who you are and how you will grow and shine and produce much fruit. Although there is a lot of pressure and challenges in our lives, we will get through it all with God and our faith in Him. He will be our guide , our water, our nourishment to grow and become who God wants us to be so to produce much good fruit. Never have doubts, your good seeds will produce much good fruit, even if you have difficulty, opposition, problems, we will get through them, out good seed will produce good fruit, we will go down in history as being the good people, the people of honor, the people of good will. Stand strong, declare victory, expect favor, God has awesome things for us, we need to discover what is in us, our good seeds will produce good fruit, never doubt that even with the challenges that come your way. Yes, the dirt may be heavy, the sun strong, sometimes lacking water and rain, sometimes drought, the seeds will grow, they will weather all climates and temperatures, your plants will grow and produce much good fruit when you are on the side of God and Jesus Christ who told the story of the mustard seed in a parable. Never doubt that the good seed you are planting today will always produce good fruit tomorrow! Be on the side of God and people of good will, be a person of honor, a person of good will and you will produce great fruit! Amen! 

Plant good seeds and produce good fruit children of God! 
