Blessed with God's Gifts and Graces, Not Asking For or Wanting Anything More, But His Peace!

" It is not the man who has too little, but the man who craves more, that is poor."

-Lucius Annaeus Seneca

I love this quote by Seneca! It is so true! Be happy with what you have. Stop wanting more and more. So many are so obsessed with having so much money, material things, power, and control! How sad! I feel this way today, stop wanting more and more or working extra for a little extra money for what? it is better to spend time with your family, be at peace, instead of working all the time, and not dwelling on God as much or being closer to loved ones. Many people work too much or work to have to many material possessions or money, for what? We cannot take it with us! Be happy with the little you have and don't always think about wanting and craving more, this is not healthy. We all need to count our blessings especially all the gifts and graces that God gives each of us. We see today so much greed, corruption, fraud, selfishness, and mediocrity, especially from the rich, so called leaders, elected, and billionaires, they will do anything to get more money and power, even if it means overriding their principles and morals, running over others, hurting others, or even their reputations, they do not care at all. Craving and wanting more and more hurts our society, our families, and our reputations, greed and selfishness are not the answers. We are blessed by God when we are happy with what He gives us without wanting more and more. All this more and more just hurts our society, families, and reputations, we see so many who have become slaves of the devil, for what? Count your blessings and be content with what you have and don't worry so much about craving more and more! You will be more blessed and at peace when you stop all the craving and greed. 
