
Showing posts with the label Readings

"I Am" Blessed! Trusting God with All in Life! Get Planted in Good Soil, Fertilized by the Bible, and Grow God Fruit!

Jesus Transfigured, What a Blessing! It is all About Great Faith in God! Our Citizenship is in Heaven!

Washed By The Blood of Christ Blessed! Trusting in Him Alone and Not Living with Fear Instilled by Man!

We Are Blessed by a Sovereign God Who Is With Us in Times of Trouble or When the Devil is Tempting Us! Give Thanks! Alleluia!

God Chose Each of Us to Be His Disciples and Servants While Here on Earth, Look at it as a Blessing, We Can All Be Miracles!

Happy Hanukkah! God's Favor Upon Us! Hope! Miracles and Blessings Abound!

Today is The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe! Let Jesus Be the King of Your Life! Let Him Have Dominion Over Your Life!