
Showing posts with the label Repent

We cannot forget we too are called to be disciples today to for Jesus, we are called to cure diseases too and proclaim God's Kingdom!

Wash Yourselves Clean! Put away your misdeeds from before my eyes; cease doing evil; learn to do good. Make justice your aim: redress the wronged, hear the orphan’s plea, defend the widow!

The Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand! Jesus Tells His Disciples to Go Out to Drive Out Unclean Spirts, to Heal, and Cure!

Humbling Myself, Seeking God's Face, Praying All the World Will Follow Jesus Christ, So He Can Heal Our Land!

Worship Only God, Not People or Things of This World!

Easter Blessings Continue as Jesus Shows Us He is with Us! He Wants Us to Stop Sinning and Perfect Ourselves in Him by Following His Ways!

Honestly, We All Just Need Jesus!