
Heavenward Aspirings!

Being Alert and of a Sober Mind so that I May Pray at all Times! Not Letting People, Work, or Things of This World to Pull Me Away from Prayer!

Pursuing Righteousness, Godliness, Faith, Love, Endurance, and Gentleness!

God Wants us to Soften, To Love, Be Kinder, Forgiving, and Merciful, to Sin No More and Follow the Example in Jesus!

Jesus Loves All of Us! He Loves Sinners and is Calling Us, Accepting Us, Asking Us To Convert To Him, Be Like His Example!

Even If......... Hallelujah Anyway! I Will Fight to Bring You Praise!

Rejoicing in the Lord, Being Glad in Him, Trusting in His Goodness! He Will Always Make it All Right!