
Sin, Lawfare, and Hate are the Big Problems in the World Today, Because People do Not Have Jesus and the Holy Spirit in Them!

Remain in God's Word, Stop Sinning, Obey God, Follow Jesus, He is the Only Way to Heaven! What a Blessing!

History in the Bible Shows Us What Happened! It is All About Faith! The Gentiles Accepted and Became Instruments for God!

God Loves Us So Much!

Trusting What Jesus Says, Following Him! He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life!

Live In Spirit! Don't Let Your Heart Ache! Stay Active and Keep Your Mind Busy on God Exercises!

Believe in the Accompanying Signs from Jesus: Go into the Whole World and Proclaim the Gospel!

Our World Needs to Stop Sinning! Especially Our Elected, So-Called Leaders, and Powers that Be!