Be A Person of Good Will and Honor With God in Your Heart, Not Ignorant, A Coward, and a Bully!
ig•nore ĭg-nôr′
transitive verb To refuse to pay attention to; disregard.
Not to know; be ignorant of.
To pass over or by without notice; treat as if not known; shut the eyes to; leave out of account; disregard: as, to ignore facts.
ig•no•rance ĭg′nər-əns
n. The condition of being uneducated, unaware, or uninformed.
n. The state of being ignorant; want of knowledge in general, or concerning some particular matter; the condition of not being cognizant, informed, or aware.
n. The condition of being ignorant; the lack of knowledge in general, or in relation to a particular subject; the state of being uneducated or uninformed.
ig•no•rant ĭg′nər-ənt
adj. Lacking education or knowledge.
adj. Showing or arising from a lack of education or knowledge.
adj. Unaware or uninformed.
-Definitions from the The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition
Today it is hard for many to do, especially people who are in leadership positions, be it is critical not to lose God in your heart and soul, always stay connected to Spirit and be people of good will and honor. Don't ignore people or situations, act more important, think because you were a cop or have a Mercedes you are someone more important. We are all important in God's eyes, all children of God and we need to act more like we are, being people of good will and honor. When we ignore others, ignore situations of our leadership responsibilities, when we bully or act cowardly and not step up and take responsibility for our leadership and fiscal responsibilities, and just plain being ignorant, we are not acting as God wants us to, we are no being people of honor or good will. We need to follow the rules, respect all, and take responsibility for our actions. If the truth hurts, then take action to change or make changes, recognize when you have errored and make changed to improve, come closer to God again and be a person of honor. Unfortunately, we see a lot of so called leaders today who are very ignorant, they ignore, do not try to be informed, and just do not care and live in ignorance not taking or assuming responsibility for their actions as so called leaders. We can all be blessings and miracles to others and our society and community when we are not ignorant and act as people of good will and honor, not ignoring, but taking responsibility. Be a person of God, be a person of good will, be a person of honor! Don't be or allow mediocrity! God sees everything!
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