We are Blessed By God Who Does Not Want Us to Live in Fear!


We cannot live in fear! There are so many times in the Bible that say we should not be afraid, He is with us! God is here with us! He is our Savior and Protector!  We do not need to worry when we have God! Our society today, especially with the pandemic of fear of a virus inflicted on us from other evil human beings has our world turned upside down. It is a crazy time today with all that is going on with the lockdowns, mandates, forced by the government and media, they are instilling so much fear and worry in humans in the world, it is so sad.  Fear be gone! Do not let the media, news, government, and so called leaders and elected make you live in fear! Shut it off, turn the channel, watch cartoons, something wholesome, The Walton's. something that can bring you peace and laughter.  We as a society need to stop being fearful. We have God on our side! Don't become fearful of the slaves of the devil who want to steal your soul and bring you to hell with them, God doesn't want that, He made us free, we do not have to be raped by our government and so called leaders, we do not need to have something put into our bodies without our consent using force and fear. Do not live in fear! We see it daily, don't fall for it. Shut it off! Turn the channel! God gave us many reminders in the Bible about not living with fear, some say one for each day of the year!  We need to see God's blessings in all, find refuge in Him, and let God be our rock and savior. He is our defense against the devil and all slaves of the devil! God loves us so much! He wants to give us His kingdom in Heaven with Him for eternity without any fear or worry. What a blessing!  

“'Fear not,' is in the Bible 365 times,” she said. My friend's wise words prompted me to study my Bible. I learned that the Bible commands that we “Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus” (1 Thessalonians 5:18). We learn so much more in times of sorrow than in times of joy. This was cited on the website: https://www.wvgazettemail.com/life/religion/essays-on-faith-fear-not-is-in-the-bible-365-times/article_f335de56-aca3-58f7-a358-ee43f984e970.html#:~:text=%E2%80%9C'Fear%20not%2C'%20is,than%20in%20times%20of%20joy.
