So Many Blessings to Count! I Just Want to Thank You Lord!


Count your blessings. Our lives are bursting with them. 
There is always something for which to be grateful for. Always. 
It is through a consistent attitude  of gratitude 
that we create a magical and delight filled life.

-Mikaela Katherine Jones

I saw this quote yesterday in a book called The Little Book of Light by M. K. Jones that my colleague from work, Deb, gave me back in 2017. The book offers 111 ways to bring light into your life. This one really stood out! It is true, we need to have an attitude of gratitude and count our blessings and be grateful always. I know I am grateful for my parents, siblings, spouse, career, education, faith, job, house, the beach, living in the country, having so much peace in my life, all the beautiful birds and wildlife I see each day all around me. I have a lot to be grateful for. I like to remind myself of this and have it help me keep a good attitude always. It is so critical, especially in this day and age of the crazy world we live in, where so few follow laws and many do so much, not respecting others, especially the elected, so called leaders, and other law breakers. I try to always be upright and do the right thing, it is the right thing to do. God has given me a great life here on this Earth School, while frustrating sometimes, I have been given a lot of favor and blessings from God above and I now He is looking out for me. I am trying to always do my best for Him, my father in Heaven as my ultimate goal in life is to spend eternity with Him in Heaven so I want to be my very best here on this Earth School until then. Thank you God for all the good things you provide every single day! I am grateful to you for all!  
