Blessed By God's Light from Heaven, Praying to Always Be Humble!
secrets to those whose only desire is to shine in the eyes of men. But the light of the Heaven
will shine all around the man who humbly and fervently asks for more light, more light.
-Fanny Jackson Coppin
I love this quote by Fanny Jackson Coppin, I saw it this morning in my little book called, The Teachers' Book of Wisdom. This year marks 35 years of teaching, what a ride! I have really loved it for the most part. The past 27 at the university helping to train teachers. It has been really rewarding. I have always had so many wonderful students, most people who want to become teachers are really good students and people. They are caring and hardworking. I have been blessed for so many years being an educator. I love this quote. It is a good reminder for us to not be ambitious and not have to make ourselves shine in front of others. Being a teacher allows you each day to help make a difference for others. We need to be humble and fervently ask for more light from God to guide us. Ask for His instruction each day, for God to guide us, lead us, and accept His will be done in our lives, that is what matters on this Earth School! We are more blessed as human beings to live this way, to be humble and always seeking the light of God to lead us!
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