God's Authority is Absolute and Above All: The Weeds May Be Growing with the Wheat, But God will Burn those Weeds When the Time Comes!

 Let every person be subordinate to the higher authorities, for there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been established by God. Therefore, whoever resists authority opposes what God has appointed, and those who oppose it will bring judgment upon themselves.

-Romans 13:1-2

God is in control! While many of us like and want law and order and try to show respect for others and our governments. God is over all. He allows all of them, the governments and elected to have free will, they are given the power to do the upright and good for the people. While not all do, today we see less of it, so many today are corrupt, fraudulent, greedy, selfish, self-serving, and mediocre at best. They care more about themselves and their power, over the people they represent. Nonetheless, we have to have faith in God and the teachings of Jesus Christ. We are reminded in the Bible that the wheat grows with the weeds, and it will all be gathered together and the weed will be burned up later on, the weed is like all the bad, the evil, the wicked, the bad ones that hurt others who have not done the will of God or represented or loved all people, their fellow citizens, they will not be able to go to Heaven. God will be the judge, Jesus says He will come back and rule for 1000 years, He is the just judge who will handle all the injustice and poor leadership today. We just need to hang in there, know that God has this, He will make it all right, just do the best you can, be a good citizen, live your life holy, upright, as godly as you can. Be joyful, don't fight, or argue, turn it all over to God, trust in Him, have faith in Him, God's authority is absolute and He will see that there is justice, he will get rid of the weeds, the wicked. God is in control! His truth is all that matters! When our governments lie to us, know that God never will! Keep the faith and trust in Jesus always! Be good citizens as if you are already in Heaven! Citizens of Heaven is the only important goal for all of us in life! 
