Ignore the Lies of the Devil, Don't Fall for his Slavery Like so Many Have Today!


“He has always hated the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, it is consistent with his character; for he is a liar and the father of lies.”

-John 8:44

We need to ignore the lies from the devil! Today most of our governments and powers that be, our elected, and so called leaders all lie. They cheat, steal, deceive, do so many bad things. Today Joel Osteen sent a nice reminder for us and it seems apropos for today, our Earth School is run by the devil, Satan is at work, so many today are slaves to the devil, they lie, and do so many bad things here on Earth and as our so called leaders. Joel said today, "You can’t stop the enemy’s lies, or pray away the negative thoughts, or get so determined that you’re never going to feel fear. But you don’t have to be intimidated, and you don’t have to live worried. The lies are a sign that what God promised is on the way, that there are great things in your future. He wouldn’t be telling you those lies if healing, freedom, and abundance aren’t around the corner. Start ignoring the lies. Quit living worried about your health, your finances, or how you can accomplish your dream. Quit letting the lies dominate your thought life. The battle is taking place in your mind. The enemy is a liar and a bully. He knows if he can control your thoughts, he can control your life. When you recognize his tactics, when you know he comes at you with lies and distortions, you can deal with them properly. You won’t let the lies keep you from your purpose. Ignore the lies, keep moving forward, and God will get you to your destiny." We need to stop watching TV, the news, the media, and listening to all the lies and deception. It is not like it was when we were younger, we have pure evil running most of the world today, selfish, self-serving, greedy, corrupt, and mediocre  people who want to control and rape us. It is very sad, we are in a sad state today in our world and in our country, pure corruption. We need to remember we are not of this world. We are going to Heaven to spend eternity with Jesus in Heaven someday, we just need to pass the test to not fall to the lies of the devil and be his slaves doing all this bad. We can be better than this. We were created to be upright, holy, and godly. Falling for the devil is not what we need to be doing. We need to ignore all the hate, love, not be evil, not be slaves to the devil, and follow Jesus!  If you want to go to Heaven, follow Jesus, not the devil, don't be a liar like so many of our so-called leaders. 

A Prayer for Today by Joel Osteen

“Father, thank You that I can guard my heart and keep it free from all the lies and distortions that try to keep me intimidated and living worried. Help me to recognize the enemy’s tactics. I declare that I will ignore the lies and believe the truth of Your Word. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”


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