Remain Silent and Ignore, Be a Peacemaker, A Disciple, More Like Jesus, Don't Validate these People, Only Jesus!


But He answered him not one word, so that the governor marveled greatly.

-Matthew 27:14

The power to ignore and be silent sometimes is a blessing for us, we do not need to fall for the reactions others want to provoke in us as humans. It is best to be silent and not say anything often times. Don't take their bait! Joel Osteen had a nice Bible verse, write-up, and prayer today about this I wanted to share, Joel said, "Jesus had many critics. Many people said hurtful, untrue things about Him. He could have straightened them out, spent time arguing, trying to change their minds. But even when facing false accusations at His trial before Pilate, the Scripture says, “He answered him not one word.” He didn’t give them the time of day. Don’t waste your time trying to change your critic’s mind. Don’t argue with small-minded people. What they think of you is not going to stop your destiny or keep you from your purpose. That negative chatter is the enemy trying to bait you into conflict and get you off course. You can’t stop what they’re saying, but you can ignore it and refuse to let it get down in your spirit. You don’t have to respond to the negative. A response gives that person credibility. Don’t validate what they’re saying by answering them. Do as Jesus did and ignore it. When you withstand the persecution, God will release a new level of blessing."

It is so true! We often are persecuted by others for no reason. Just because they do not like you, what you stand for, your honesty, or your upright ways or confidence. We do not need to give in or waste our time on insecure people and persecution. Trust in God, live for Him and his purpose and plan. Be upright, holy, godly, and follow His commandments, the teachings of Jesus, and just be people of goodwill even when you deal with aggressive or hard to deal with people. Know God is on your side! Let's face it, we have corrupt governments now, like in the times of Jesus, we hear it in the new daily, the lies, the greed, the corruption, the injustice, the persecution of many, especially Christians, there is so much hypocrisy today, so many bad and greedy, corrupt so called leaders, we see it daily here and around the world. We too are persecuted with injustice and corruption, we are enslaved by these people who truly are slaves to the devil himself. Don't respond to their ignorance. We just need to ignore and be silent, not stoop to their level, be like Jesus, we will overcome this world like He did! Focus on Heaven and goodness, be a peacemaker, be a person of goodwill! 

A Prayer for Today by Joel Osteen

“Father, thank You that You are always greater than any difficulty I will ever face. Give me the wisdom to ignore anything that is just an insignificant insult or an argumentative distraction to get me off course. I believe that You are going to bring me to the next level. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”
