Living Rejoiceful While Here, But Planning for Meeting My Maker When He Wants Me Without any Fear!
They took Absalom, and cast him into a great pit in the wood, and laid a very great heap of stones upon him.
- 2 Samuel 18:17
We are called to be rejoiceful in the Lord always! We are called to be disciples for our Lord! God gave us Jesus as an example to follow while on this Earth School journey. He is a great example to follow, God gave Him to us after all. My dad always used to say, I am ready to go when the good Lord wants to take me. He lived a happy and joyful life. Always smiling, happy, and singing often times. He just was not afraid to go to meet His maker and said he was ready when God called him home. I think this is a good attitude to have. The app I read each morning, Mornings with God had a nice write-up about this today. It has some nice tidbits to life and death, it is oaky to think about the end, but be joyful while you are here!
The Mornings With God App said, "It has been said that every man lives for a funeral. That is, a man’s funeral tells what kind of a man he has been. Absalom had already built a splendid monument, which he meant should mark his grave. Instead, however, of being laid away to rest in honor by a weeping nation, beneath the shadows of a noble pile, his mangled body was hurled in dishonor into a pit and covered with stones. It was still true, however, that Absalom built his own monument. His own hand digged the grave of shame into which his body was cast. Sin’s harvest is sure and terrible. Too many young men think it is unmanly to be good, true–hearted, and pure, and that a “fast life” is the manly one. We have, in the story of Absalom, an illustration of the career of one who lived such a life, and we must notice that the story is written out to its last chapter. The trouble too often is that men do not think of what the end will be."
We need to stop sinning! We need to follow Jesus. We need to be people of honor while we live on this Earth School journey. Following God and His Commandments, the teachings of Jesus, and be people of goodwill. Knowing we have the opportunity to have eternal life in Heaven with God when we follow Jesus while here on Earth! We cannot live in fear, not even with our own lives, but we need to remain joyful in the Lord always and follow Him!
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