God Called Us By Name to Shine Bright in a Dark World! We Were Made for These Days!


These Days by Jeremy Camp on GodTube

What a song! So true. We are living in really dark days. But God put us in the right place at the right time to be made for these days! We are called to shine our lights bright in these trying times. Today we see so much greed, selfishness, corruption, fraud, lying, cheating stealing, hate, division, cancel culture, dismissiveness, indifference, just so much discord and so much sin!  It is sad to see. Our country and world need our prayers and model, reflecting Jesus. The hate is so profound today, we need to be about love nonetheless during these days. Today especially, we see so much evil and wickedness coming from our elected, governments, and powers that be. They do so much bad, not good examples of people of goodwill. There is so much lawlessness and chaos.  So many today, most of our so called leaders and elected are slaves for Satan, they sell their souls and countries out to the devil and dragon for all the money in China, or gold bars from Egypt. It is so sad to see. The self-serving, greedy, and corrupt ways of most of our elected and authorities is disturbing, the types of "these days" that Jeremy Camp is talking about in his song I am sure, we need to be lights, beacons of hope for goodness, for righteousness, and truth. We are called, called to shine our lights bright reflecting Jesus Christ in all we do! Called! God gave us Jesus, Emmanuel, God with us, as an example, a model of how we should live on this Earth School, how to love, how to live, how to shine bright in these days! We need to keep the faith and keep shining bright! 
