I Am God's! I am His Child!


Who I Am by Ben Fuller on GodTube

I love this song! One of the best in recent years! Filled with so much love and emotion, so true! We were made for more! We are so much more in the eyes of God! We have no idea often times. God loves us so much! We are children of the most high God! I praise Him always! He gave me everything when we follow His son Jesus! He loves us so much, He forgives us, He has so much mercy for us! We are children of the King! We do not have to be slaves of this world, or the god of Earth Satan, don't be his slave or sell your soul to the devil, serve God instead, follow Jesus, know you can have eternal life in Heaven with Him as His children! Thank you for this beautiful song! Enjoy all! God loves us so much! 
