Hello peace, hello joy, hello, love, hello strength, hello hope---Fear is not my future!
Fear Is Not My Future by Maverick City Music (ft. Brandon Lake & Chandler Moore) on GodTube
Hello peace, hello joy, hello, love, hello strength, hello hope---Fear is not my future! I just love this song and message! It is so true, we need to live positively, to be filled with love and joyful in the Lord! Thank you for this song and reminder! Hello Peace, joy, and love! We need them as our strength and hope in this life for sure. We see a lot of negative people today, they are unhappy and it shows, they hate and use cancel culture and the woke agenda to hate and cancel anyone they disagree with, live without Jesus, and let hate, negativity, and misery dominate their lives. We need to remember this song always! To live joyfully! We need to be positive and loving, knowing that fear is not our future, hate and negativity always breed fear, we need to live in love! It really can be a new horizon for us all when we live in love! And all it takes is following Jesus! We are called to follow, reflect, and imitate Him! God gave us Jesus, He is Emmanuel, God with us as our model, our example of how we should live. When we live like Jesus, reflecting and imitating Him in love, we do not need to live in fear! He is free to receive and follow, when we do, we are promised life eternal in Heaven with Him! What a blessing! Fear does not have to be your future! Stop the hate! Stop living in fear and follow Jesus, He is our life, truth, and the way! Hello love! https://themiraclesofgod.blogspot.com/
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The Truth-God is Truth and Love