
Showing posts with the label Corruption

God's Authority is Absolute and Above All: The Weeds May Be Growing with the Wheat, But God will Burn those Weeds When the Time Comes!

Blessed By My King God as I Seek His Perfection Knowing I am a Citizen of Heaven and Can Spend Eternity with Jesus!

Blessed to be Rich in Jesus Christ!

Blessed When We can Work Toward Being Good People and Creating Heaven on Earth!

Be Responsible and Treat the Earth Well! God Bless the USA!

Making Sure I Have My Heart Set on God Always! So so Blessed Praying God Keeps Us All from Evil!

Pray Pray Pray! Pray to God, Pray to St. Gabriel The Archangel, Pray for an End to Wars, Greed, Corruption, and Power of Bad Leaders!

Hope and Faith in God are the True Blessings from Him!

Our World and Its People: Ignoring and Ignorant/Ignorance: Blessings and Miracles Or Curses on Their Part

We Can All Be a Part of Creating Miracles Here on Earth as Long as We do not Allow the Cancers of Greed, Corruption, Selfishness, and Mediocrity to take Hold