
Showing posts with the label Devil

Following Christ Alone, Not People or the Devil or Anything or Philosophy of this World!

Always Trying to Stay in Peace with God's Anointed Oil of Joy Upon Me, Staying Focused on Jesus!

Ignore the Lies of the Devil, Don't Fall for his Slavery Like so Many Have Today!

Peace is Man's Gift to Man Under God! We are all More Blessed When We all Work Toward Peace!

Resisting Temptations from Satan in All his Forms, God's Grace, Gifts like His Bread are Enough for Me!

Blessed When We Follow the Law of the Lord, We Have a Choice, Will we Fall to the Devil or Follow the Wisdom of God!

Satan's Bait, Leads to Satan's Hook, Which Then Leads to Hell! We Need to Not Become Slaves of the Devil! Find Your Refuge in Jesus Alone!