
Showing posts with the label Elected

Living with God within, Turning to Him Alone, Only Putting Him on a Pedestal, He is the Just Judge!

Jesus Says to Beware of Men, We Will Be Hated By Others by Using the Name of Jesus, Endure to the End and be Saved!

Jesus is Our Humble King! We Must Live by the Spirit of Christ! We Must Live with Meek and Humble Hearts for Him!

Let God Be True! Follow Him, Be Sinless the Best You Can, Know Your Goal of Heaven is the Number One Priority!

We Need to Pray for Our So Called Leaders, Elected, and Powers That Be, for our Country and World from all Evil of Satan!

Ignore the Lies of the Devil, Don't Fall for his Slavery Like so Many Have Today!

Peace is Man's Gift to Man Under God! We are all More Blessed When We all Work Toward Peace!