
Showing posts with the label Goodwill

Self-Pity is of Satan, Let God Use You for His Purpose in this World!

Glory to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; to God Who is, Who was, and Who is to Come!

We Need to Cast Out All Evil from Our Lives, But Also Fill Our Lives with God, Obey, Heed, Follow and Reflect Jesus, and Be People of Goodwill!

James Offers a Warning to the Rich, We All Need to Heed, Be Upright and Holy, Do the Will of God!

We Are A Miracle!

Why is it So Hard to Follow God and His Commandments and Not Sin?

Be Positive, Loving, and Joyful in the Lord!

Praying, Doing God's Will, Following His Commandments, the Teachings of Jesus, and Being a Person of Goodwill to Please God!