
Showing posts with the label Wisdom

Blessed When We Sow Righteousness, Our Reward will Reap Much in Heaven as We Spend Eternity with Jesus Christ!

Blessed When We Follow the Law of the Lord, We Have a Choice, Will we Fall to the Devil or Follow the Wisdom of God!

Blessed to Know it is Better to Get Wisdom and Understanding from God, Than all the Silver and Gold on This Earth School!

All the Advice and Wisdom We Need Comes From God!

God's Words of Wisdom are All The Miracle Giving Grace We Need in This Life!

2023: Being Strong, God is With Us, May Our Hearts be Filled with His Wisdom to Live Upright so to Spend Eternity with Him in Heaven!

Asking God to Grant Me the Serenity in Jesus Name!

Know Jesus, Know Peace!

Blessed to Have Such a Loving God Who We Can Ask Always for His Wisdom!