
Being a Christ Follower Will Stir Opposition, But Know What Your Priorities Are!

Honor and Virtue of One's Self Character is More Important Than Wealth and Power!

The Wisdom of Tocqueville! The Reality of Today in the USA! Jesus Needs to Live in the Elected, Government, Powers that Be and All People Here!

Those Who Cling to Worthless Idols Turn Away from God’s Love for Them!

Use Your Divine Lamp From God, Following Jesus, Doing the Will of God, Obeying Him and In Return Receiving His Blessings and Grace!

This is the Day the Lord Has Made, Let Us Rejoice and Be Glad in It! We need to Always Be Singing God's Praises!

Worship Only God, Not People or Things of This World!

Cover Us Now with the Shadow of Your Wings!

Make It a Custom to Always Attend Church Each Week!