
Showing posts with the label Earth School

Reading the Bible We are Blessed When We Live in a God Filled Life with Jesus, Not Be Lazy or Apathetic to God and His Will in Our Lives!

Storing Up Only Treasures in Heaven While On This Earth School Journey!

God's Word is a Lamp for My Feet, A Light for My Path as We Go About in this Classroom World Earth School!

Jesus Christ is My Friend, He Loves Me So Much! I am Trusting and Following Him!

Trusting What Jesus Says, Following Him! He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life!

Live In Spirit! Don't Let Your Heart Ache! Stay Active and Keep Your Mind Busy on God Exercises!

We are Called to Be Disciples for Christ! To Know Jesus! It Will All Make This Earth School Life So Much Better for All of Us if We Do!