
Showing posts with the label Forgive

More Blessed When We Do It Anyway!

Blessed That Jesus Died with Me on His Mind!

Bless All Who Would Not Harm the Lord's Anointed!

Keep Dodging The Envy and Hate, The Insecurity, and Revenge-God Has Given You A Light to Shine On Others!

“Father, Forgive Them, For They Don’t Know What They Are Doing." Said Jesus

Be That Blessing: Forget It and Move On!

Be That Blessing and Miracle: Be More Like Jesus!

Be That Blessing and Miracle: Where Is The Mercy? It is Time to Not Judge, to Love, to Forgive, and to Show Mercy!

Grace Under Pressure: We Need to Be Courageous Enough to Forgive Others Even When they Ignore, Hate, Curse, and Talk Bad About You!

People May Disappoint, But God Never Will: A True Blessing and Miracle!