
Showing posts with the label Governments

Jesus is Our Humble King! We Must Live by the Spirit of Christ! We Must Live with Meek and Humble Hearts for Him!

Always Trying to Stay in Peace with God's Anointed Oil of Joy Upon Me, Staying Focused on Jesus!

Ignore the Lies of the Devil, Don't Fall for his Slavery Like so Many Have Today!

Peace is Man's Gift to Man Under God! We are all More Blessed When We all Work Toward Peace!

God's Authority is Absolute and Above All: The Weeds May Be Growing with the Wheat, But God will Burn those Weeds When the Time Comes!

We are Blessed By God Who Does Not Want Us to Live in Fear!

Good Always Wins Over Evil! God is in Control, Only Put God on a Pedestal, Not People or So Called Leaders or Governments!