
Showing posts with the label Greed

Please Christ and Serve Him Alone, Not People, We Only Need God's Approval!

Living with God within, Turning to Him Alone, Only Putting Him on a Pedestal, He is the Just Judge!

Good/God will Triumph Over Evil: His Plans will Prevail!

Our Labor is Not in Vain When we Put our Faith in the Lord! Trust in Him and You are always Blessed!

Blessed when we Live a Completely Balanced Life with God Center Stage!

We Need to Pray for Our So Called Leaders, Elected, and Powers That Be, for our Country and World from all Evil of Satan!

Ignore the Lies of the Devil, Don't Fall for his Slavery Like so Many Have Today!

Give God Your Whole Heart! Live a Divine Life for God, Not Trying to Gain All in this World, but in Heaven!