
Showing posts with the label Priests

Believing in the Messiah and the Beauty in All of God's Creations!

Don’t Rely on Popes, Bishops, and Priests to Save Your Soul, Often they Only Steal Your Soul or Dampen Your Spirits! It is Up to Us!

Being Examples of Jesus When we Practice what We Preach!

Don't Just Appear Righteous Like the Priests, Clergy, and Pharisees, But Be Righteous and Holy, Upright in our Lord, an Example Like Jesus!

Call No One on Earth your Father, We Only Have One Father in Heaven! Be Careful of Hypocrites and Those Who do Not Practice What They Preach!

As Children of God We Need to Turn from Sin, Follow God's Commands, the Teachings of Jesus, and Be People of Goodwill!

Make Us True Servants, Working Toward the Messiah Jesus's and the Prophets Reward of Getting into Heaven!