
Trying to Be Upright and a Disciple for Christ the Best I Can, In a World of Sin and Pleasure Who Write People Off Drinking a Sea of Wrath!

We are Still Here on This Earth For God! We Need to Find Our Strength in Him Alone and Be the Best Disciples While Here!

All We Can Do is Find Strength in God Right Now!

Living for Eternity with Jesus Christ, Doing the Best on Earth School to Follow His Example! It is Not Always Easy!

A Glimpse of Heaven Again Today at the Beach! What Else Can I Say?

Humility and the Fear of the Lord; Brings Wealth and Honor and Life!

There is a lot of Spiritual Wickedness in High Places Today, We See it in the News Daily, Confront in at the Gym, etc. We Need to Remain Focused on God and His Goodness!

Living and Dying for the Lord! Doing My Best to Be Kind, Loving, and Full of Mercy As God Wants Us to Do!