
We Are God's Beloved Creations, in Whom He is Well Pleased!

Beware of Humans! Look What They Did to Jesus. Follow Jesus, Let the Spirit of Your Father Speak Through You!

The Gravest Sin is Idolatry! Put God First in Your Life Always!

Grace from God is Abundant, Have Faith and Love in Jesus, Reflecting Him, Turning from Sin, and Making Heaven Our Number One Priority!

Jesus Wants Us to Cure the Sick, Raise the Dead, Cleanse the Lepers, Drive out Demons! We are All Called! Called to Do it in Peace!

Persevere in Well Doing, For In Due Season We Shall Reap!

A Heart of Hope!

The Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand! Jesus Tells His Disciples to Go Out to Drive Out Unclean Spirts, to Heal, and Cure!