
Judge and Hate Less, Love and Inspire More! Be God's Blessing Here on Earth for All!

God's Grace Blessed Me With So Much Peace and Prayer at the Beach Today! So so Grateful!

God Gives Us Our Gifts and Talents To Make a Difference in This World! He Gave Ben Carson Gifted Hands to Bless So Many Others!

Blessed By God, Fear No More! Let the Jericho Walls Come Down!

Blessed if You are Wise and Your Heart Inclines to the Right!

Pat Robertson: A Blessing and Legend for Our World!

Butterfly Blessed! Anointed by God Too!

Bless All Who Would Not Harm the Lord's Anointed!

Blessed By So Many that Support Our Law and Order and A Nice Song That Tributes Them!

We are Blessed By God Who Does Not Want Us to Live in Fear!