
So Many Today Sow for This World of Material and Carnal Desires, Not for Life Eternal with Jesus!

James Offers a Warning to the Rich, We All Need to Heed, Be Upright and Holy, Do the Will of God!

Living Well Miracles: Wherever You Go, Drop Seeds Which Spring up into Beauty for Others!

Setting my Aspirations on Heaven, to Be with the Godly and Upright!

Do You Not Know that to Be a Lover of the World Means Enmity with God?

God's Protection: Staying on the Side of God and Following Jesus, Knowing Right from Wrong, Being Upright and Holy!

God is So Good to Me! I Am Proof of His Love!

I Am God's! I am His Child!

Trying to Always Be Blessings to this World Like God Wants Us to Be! He is So Good to Us, The Rain He Brings, Gives Us Peace!