
Being Excellent for Our King and Savior Like Daniel and So Blessed Because of It!

Blessed by the Book of Hebrews, Blessed that God Came in Human Form and Died for Our Sins! He Loves Us So Much!

Beach Blessings, Green Flag Days, Knowing God is Here Looking Out for Us in a Selfish World!

Blessed by Good News! Jesus is Here for Us in a World of Oppression by Slaves of Satan!

It is Going to Be OK, Take Me into the Sea!

Blessed By God Like Gideon to Be Heroes Against the Slaves of the Devil!

Blessed By a Heartwarming Movie About Angels--Thy Son Liveth!

Be Joyful! God Loves Us So Much, His Mercy is So Prodigal Great!

Positive Attitude Blessings! Believe in Miracles!

Walk By Faith Trusting Only in God, Blessed Thinking About What a Wonderful God We Have!