
Showing posts with the label Abortion

Blessed By Our God! I am Wonderfully Made! His Works are Wonderful!

We are More Blessed in a World When Unborn Lives Matter!

Unborn Lives Matter!

Life is a Miracle! Blessed When we Chose Life! Pray to End All Abortions!

Life is a Miracle! Life is a Blessing! Life Comes from God! We Need to Protect ALL Life from Conception to Natural Death!

Life is a Blessing and a Miracle from God! St. Mother Teresa Knew This So Well!

A Memorial to the Unborn Children: Abortion Stats and Facts are an Ugly Reality for a So Called Civilized Society

Respecting All Life in a Humane Society, The True Blessing and Miracle God Gives Us: An Unborn Babies Life Depends on All of Us!

A Blessing and Miracle: I Choose Life!